After a three year hiatus, ofuro International Summer Intensive returns August 26-31, 2023!
Spend one week with OURO Collective members and renowned guest artists to train in classes ranging from ballet, contemporary, various street dance styles, yoga/meditation, and nutrition. This program is for the advanced dancer who wants a unique dance experience that will lead to reaching their full potential, opening up new ideas in movement patterns and healthy lifestyle approaches. Ofuro directors, Maiko Miyauchi and Cristina Bucci aim to support, educate and build strong, informed, healthy dancers with a focus on various modalities/training to benefit the whole body.
このプログラムはダンサーに必須とされているコンテンポラリーに最も力をいれたプログラムです。今やダンサーとして必須とされるコンテンポラリーダンス。そのコンテンポラリーダンスに必要なテクニックをCanadaバンクーバーで6日間世界トップレベルのチームから学び、スキルアップに繋げてもらうIntensiveです。バレエ、コンテンポラリーテクニック、カナダの最高峰のカンパニーの芸術監督達によるカンパニーレパートリークラス、メンタルケア、ダンサーの為の語学レッスンまで世界レベルに通用するダンサーを少人数制で育成することに重点に置いています。そしてもう一つこのIntensiveで特徴的なのはメンタルケア、栄養学、強く健康な体と心作りはプロのアーテイストになる上でとても重要です。このワークショップでは Yoga, Meditation,栄養学から一人一人丁寧に指導いたします。6日間徹底された栄養士からの食事管理、そして24時間体制で日本人,カナダ人スタッフが生徒をサポート。oFufoは生徒がダンスを最優先できる環境を整えサポートします。
サマーインテンシブオーデション審査お申し込みはこちら: REGISTER HERE
Summer 2023 program registration is now open: REGISTER HERE
Complete the registration form and email it to us along with an audition video link/photos (required):
For questions and further information please email:
2023 Sample schedule:
- Ballet 9:30am-11:00am
- Contemporary 11:15am-11:45am
- Repertoire 1:30pm-3:30pm
- OURO/Yoga/Nutrition/MUCCI 3:34pm-4:45pm
Past Guest Faculty (2018/2019)
Beverly Bagg (Ballet Mistress, Alberta Ballet Company, Ballet BC)
Rachel Meyer (Choreographer/Independent Artist)
Amber Funk Barton (Director of the response.)
Lisa Gelley (Co-Artistic Director of Company 605)
OURO Collective (Street Styles, OURO Approach)
Anita Cheung (In Bed with Betty – Yoga/Meditation)
Cristina Bucci (Nutrition for Dancers, OURO founder, MUCCI, oFuro Director)
Maiko Miyauchi (OURO Founder, MUCCI, oFuro Director)
Rina Pellerin (OURO Founder, Konichiwaack)
Eric Cheung (OURO member, film maker)
Antonio Somera Jr. (Choreographer/Independent Artist)
Alex Mazerolle (Girlvana Yoga)
2019 Summer Intensive Recap Video
2018 Summer Intensive Racap Video

ofuro Performance Series
OURO Collective presents, ofuro, our youth initiative program. The name ofuro comes from traditional Japanese bath culture, where strangers become family by spending time together in a community space. We aim to bring project, oFuro to students and audiences worldwide.
ofuro performance/creation: we spend approximately one week creating a new work(s) for the community, which is then performed at a local theatre as the opening act for OURO. With ofuro, OURO will continue to work towards our goals: to build youth & community engagement, to provide an opportunity for aspiring dancers to connect with professional dancers, and to bring together various dance communities and the general public under one roof. The project will give the dancers experience amalgamating contemporary and street dance styles thus widening opportunities in their careers.
This video shows our first collaboration with Yarita Yu Ballet Japan, produced by the Japan National Ballet Cultivation Revival Association Representative.
Dancers // OURO + Yarita Yu Ballet
Costume Design // Jean Okada
Music // Kutcorners
Video // Teppei Tanabe
Support // Canada Council for the Arts (Arts Abroad)
For more information on how to bring the oFuro to your city contact: